

After years of hype Apple have finally unleashed their Augmented Reality (AR) headset, blending the real world with your digital life.
Following Steve Job’s tradition of saving the best till last and using Steve’s “One more thing..” catchphrase Tim Cook threw Apple’s considerable weight behind AR.

The headset itself resembles Ski goggles with a screen on the outside so other people can see when you’re either fully immersed or able to see. They’re connected by a wire to a small battery pack which sits in your pocket, apparently to minimise the weight on your head and strain in your neck.
If the headset lives up to Apple’s reality distortion field then it looks like a true paradigm shift in how we engage with content.

This is Apple’s first big product release in nearly a decade and could kill off the need for TV’s, computers, ipads, cinemas and games consoles.
The promo shows someone watching an American Football game on a colossal virtual screen with stats windows on either side of the main screen. It even showed a top down augmented reality fully three dimensional Basketball game meaning you could project the court on your table and walk round and view the game from different angles.
The excitement for this is going to be as big as the iPhone, but at an estimated $3499 it’ll be those with deep pockets who can afford it until the price drops.
The future really is here and it looks like Apple’s ability to keep quiet until they are ready to dominate a market has paid off again.
