CircleZeroEight and Corbin Shaw are very excited to present ‘For The Love of The Lads’ exhibition in partnership with Flannels.
Corbin Shaw, a pioneering artist, is celebrated for examining masculinity through textiles, especially flags. The East London based artist rose to fame in 2022 after collaborating with Levis and Women’s Aid. Inspired by his South Yorkshire background, Shaw confronts traditional British ‘lad’ culture and the ‘Englishman’ stereotype, sparking new conversations on gender. His work pays tribute to his northern upbringing, aiming to dismantle classism, masculinity, and societal norms in the UK. The Flannels X basement will host Shaw’s exhibition on May 3rd and 4th, symbolising a new generation.
Focusing on British masculinity, Shaw worked alongside Aylesbury Grammar School’s Year Eight students to share their personal insights on the subject. The result is a touching collection of reflections on masculinity, displayed as a series of Shaw’s signature flags. Student illustrations adorn the fabric collages, featuring phrases like “You’re as Rare and Shiny as Stevie G in 2003” and “Being Brave is Being Your True Self.” For The Love of The Lads transforms Flannels’ Oxford Street store into an immersive, multimedia space.
Shaw’s inspiration came from researching miners’ union banners in the 1970s. He explains the importance of providing young men the opportunity to challenge stereotypes and defy media teachings. The project allowed the boys to learn from each other’s vulnerabilities, fostering openness and support.
Reflecting on the project, Shaw says, “It was a privilege to offer this to the boys, who taught me about fearlessness. For the love of those lads… For the love of all the lads in the playground, it’ll all make sense one day, promise.”
On display will be a series of images by Stan Dickinson, tapestries and a film created by Aria Shahrokhshahi, documenting the process.
The exhibition takes place at Flannels, 161-167 Oxford Street, London between 3rd / 4th May.
Find out more here.