Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce Meets Annie-Jill Tagoe

Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce Meets Annie-Jill Tagoe

Issue 05
05 Mar 2025

Amber Pinkerton


Annie-Jill Tagoe


Reuben Esser

Fashion Editor

CZ8 Shop
CZ8 Shop
Circle Zero Eight

Jacket by Issey Miyake
Shorts by Nike
Earrings and body jewellery by Rêve
Shoes by Ferragamo

Circle Zero Eight

Jacket by Nike
Top worn underneath by David Koma

Circle Zero Eight

Dress by ASAI
Bracelet by Rêve

Circle Zero Eight

Dress by Hermès
Cuff by Rêve

Circle Zero Eight

Dress by Fendi
Jewellery by Rêve

Circle Zero Eight

Dress by Fendi
Ring by Slim Barrett
Cuff – stylists’s own

Circle Zero Eight

Dress by Diotima
Shorts and trainers by Nike
Earrings by Completedworks

Circle Zero Eight

Dress by Gucci

Circle Zero Eight

Jacket by Issey Miyake
Shorts by Nike
Earrings and body jewellery by Rêve
Shoes by Ferragamo

Annie-Jill Tagoe

Do you understand the magnitude of your accomplishments, and your impact on the sport?


Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce

I just try to stay level headed and get the job done. I’m really zoned in and focussed. But from a Jamaican standpoint, I understand – when I’m getting people sending me notes, from when young girls write in class, you know, “Who inspires you?”, and they talk about me, that’s when you see it. When there’s Jamaica Day, and the kids are dressing up like me, wearing coloured wigs to school. When I go back to my community, and I interact with the kids – or even the adults – and I hear how much I inspire them and how much they want to be like me, or just how much I inspire them to really go after their dreams, it makes me feel proud. For me, I’ve always wanted to make sure that whatever it is that I do, whether I win medals or not, I want to be able to inspire and give girls and women the opportunity to understand that there’s more to be had – you just have to continue to want it and to really work for it.



How do you keep moving forward after accomplishing so much in track and field?



There’s this thing that I have where, deep inside, I know there’s more. There’s something inside of me where I genuinely believe I can run a 10.50s. I feel like there’s a lot more to give, which is maybe crazy to say as a 37-year-old. But I’ve not been wrong so far, thank God. There’s still a passion, and a lot of determination in making sure that I have the best possible. I still feel like I haven’t had my best race yet. I’m working for that moment. That’s what a lot of athletes need to understand: they need to be coachable. You always have to want to improve. I’ve never felt like I’ve arrived. There’s still more work to be done, and I think that’s why I’ve been consistently able to do so over the years. 


Circle Zero Eight

Jacket by Nike
Top worn underneath by David Koma


How have you preserved through all the mental battles of the sport?



There’s this thing about me: I don’t read anything that doesn’t concern me.



Really! Even with your name being so big?



I read books, sure. But when it comes to articles like, “how fast can Shelly-Ann run?” I try to stay away, just to preserve my own mental space. Sometimes, you find yourself comparing yourself to other athletes, like “I have done this, or I should have done that”. I’m very critical of myself. I try to stay away as best as possible from seeing that. It just doesn’t concern me. You know, I don’t go looking for things. You have some people who sit down and actively go and search for negative comments, but that’s not me. During championships, I don’t read anything. I’m aware of who’s gonna be there, because I’ve been competing against them during the season, so I know who’s capable of what. But I don’t spend my time focussing on it. When I don’t have a good practice session, or I’m feeling lots of pain or things aren’t going right, I allow myself to grieve that process. If I need to spend a day or so just being curled up and having a conversation with Jason, my husband, talking about it, I can. It’s very important that you have someone that listens without judgement, that you can say how you feel, and they hear you without interjecting and saying, “Oh, no, you shouldn’t do that”. I know I shouldn’t do that! I just want you to listen. It’s always good to have somebody that you can bounce things off of and be really authentic and genuine. Let me take a day. Sometimes you have to really listen and feel, and allow yourself the grace. You’re not a robot – you have feelings. 



Love that. After accomplishing so many of your dreams, what do you dream of now? Do you just dream of just going on a holiday, or buying an island?



I definitely dream of travelling, as that’s something that I’ve wanted to do so badly. My friends will say, “But girl, you’ve travelled to so many places”, and I’m like, “Yeah, to compete”. I’m really just there to compete and work; I don’t really have the time. I don’t know how people do it, as I’ve never done that. I usually compete for the entire championship because I run the relays. By the time I’ve finished competing I’m out the next day!


Circle Zero Eight

Dress by ASAI
Bracelet by Rêve


Normally I go sightseeing beforehand! Do you not go to the afterparties as well?



Nope! Even at the Olympics. When I’m finished, I just want to relax – I’m tired! I’m not showing up. But if I could have done some of it differently I would have. 



From all the major championships you’ve been to, what is your favourite hairstyle you’ve had? 



Well, I’ve had so many. I’m gonna go with two. First was when I did the unicorn, with my son, that was really a vibe for me. Like they say, unicorns do exist – it’s rare. And then I would have to go with the pink as well. And the first one I ran in the heats up in Oregon. It was almost purple with spots all around. The funny thing about that one is I was getting it done and the girl was doing my hair, but the iron was too hot. So it was burning the hair, and it changed the colour of the hair completely. I was so angry! 



Do you plan it in advance? I have to think about what colour will suit me, and right now the only colour that I think looks nice is red. Do you just wake up and be like, “I’m gonna have pink hair, I’m gonna have purple hair”?


Circle Zero Eight

Dress by Hermès
Cuff by Rêve


I pay attention to where I’m going and the different colours from that country. I also pay attention to what I did the year before. I really just try to mix it up – so like this year, going to the Olympics, I’m looking forward to mixing all the colours that I’ve done over the years to come up with a nice moodboard, and then from that moodboard I’ll select my colours.



I saw on Twitter that they’ve been talking about what hairstyles they think you’re gonna do. I love that the Jamaicans think you’re gonna lead with the Jamaican colours. 



Maybe not! I could, but I could also be jet black! Who knows. 



And your nails – they’ve got to match the hair.



Right now I’m chrome, but I’m actually making some stuff to put on my nails for the Olympics.



You have a real sense of joy when you warm up, practice, and race – how has that helped you with your athletic career longevity? 



I think it’s really important that you find joy in what you do. Because what I’ve found in my years of competing is that the happier I am, the better I perform. There is a reason why you should be smiling. There’s a reason why you should be happy to grace the track and to compete, and you have to find that reason – that reason is unique to you. Everytime I grace the track and I’m warming up, and I put my earphones on, and I’m listening to my music, it’s almost like: “This is my moment”. If it’s not, then I’m making it my moment. Own it, and really grab a hold of it with both arms and really just be present in that. 



Even this year, when you looked a little bit disappointed when you came third – you were able to snap out of it so quickly, and still be happy. 



I didn’t have the year I wanted, and I felt like I didn’t even get the opportunity to really represent all that I’ve been able to do or accomplish. But you’ve got to be grateful, because it could always have a different result. Be easy on yourself. I’m very critical of myself. Maybe that’s why I work so hard. 



You’ve got to give yourself grace, because who do you know that can run four races in a season and come to the championships and get a medal – not many people can do that!



I always try to keep it real. And I think that’s important for athletes as a whole to see that: there’s nothing wrong with wanting something; there’s nothing wrong with feeling that disappointment. 

Circle Zero Eight

Dress by Fendi
Jewellery by Rêve


What were your short term goals for yourself before you started taking athletics, and after giving birth?



Honestly, I just wanted to make the national team! I didn’t care if I was a reserve or anything. When I had my son, Zion, I knew that I had the year to get myself back in shape, which worked to my advantage. I wanted to go a race at a time, which came quickly. I actually ran 10.90s quickly in London. That did for me like nothing else could have after having my son – it cemented in my mind that okay, all right, it’s gonna be good next year.



How do you balance being a mother and a top athlete? How amazing is your support system?



It’s definitely difficult. When he was younger, I would have to take him with me, and it was hard as I was breastfeeding. I was having separation anxiety – some days I’d go to practice but didn’t want to stay because I wanted to see him. I’m really hands on, so I want to be there for everything. Emotionally it was hard, because I sometimes felt like I was putting track above my son. It’s important to have a support system, and I’ve been blessed to have that. My husband is really hands on, and I have a nanny at home, who I love so much. She’s an integral part of our family. 



What is your number one technical cue to running faster?



Relaxation. It’s so important to allow your body to do what you’ve been training to do. When you’re competing, and you want to be at your best, you have to practise relaxation. It’s telling your body, “I’ve done this before, we can do it again”. It’s like you’re talking to yourself. You can train all your life and have great technique, but if you have no relaxation you can actually become so tight and lose all of that form. 



Do you say this to yourself at the warm up?



Most of the things that I do are before I get to the block. At the block you can only do one thing: listen to the gun and just go. I don’t want to tell myself a hundred things at the line, because you’re going to be having to focus on a lot of things. The main focus is making sure that I just go, that I’m low and pushing forward. Use your warmup to limit what you’re going to do at the start line. 


Circle Zero Eight

Dress by Fendi
Ring by Slim Barrett
Cuff – stylists’s own


What was your favourite country to race in?



I can’t say Jamaica!



You could say London, if you want to…



I mean, London has given me great memories for sure. I haven’t run in London for the last two years, but it’s been one of the top places for me to compete – a lot of my fast times came there. But recently, I’d have to go with Switzerland. That’s where my PB is at. 



Did you feel supported when you found out you were pregnant? What would you like to see when future athletes take time off to have babies?



I would say no, initially. I never really felt supported when I was pregnant by the wider community, because I think people weren’t used to it. But from my family, there was always the support. I never felt at any moment that having my son would change things dramatically. I genuinely felt like I could. I’d definitely want to see other athletes supported more, and embraced. Because ultimately that’s a decision women will make in their careers, and they should be supported for that decision. There are other things in life, and other things that we’re capable of doing and wanting to do. Do we feel valued? Is it just that you want me to run? How do you support me as a mum? I’m appreciative that they’ve invested more, and done more when it comes to maternity. 



How are you able to balance your personal life with athletics?



It’s easy in Jamaica! Jamaica keeps you grounded. I still go to my community, I still attend the same church, I still take part in my youth fellowship. Jamaica forces you to take things a day at a time. We’re a tiny island, but there are so many girls who just want the opportunity to grow. I know I’m a high-profile athlete, but I see myself as a regular citizen. Outside of track, there are still things you want to work on on a personal level. But Jamaica forces you to be humble. 



What do you want your fans to remember you for?



I’d say impact. It’s not about where you’re from, it’s what’s inside of you. Nobody gets to decide your time or your moment but you. You’re not too young or old to go after your dreams and accomplish things. A lot of people put a time limit on success, but it’s different for everybody. I’ve proven that over the years. 



Finally, do you see yourself going back to the sport as a coach?



I think I’d be very good in terms of management and mentorship, but in terms of coaching – I don’t know. I don’t have the patience! I don’t even have the patience with myself. But there’s so much experience and knowledge that I’ve acquired over the years that I could impart on someone. 



Finally, some quick fire questions. What are you most enjoying eating right now?






Favourite music to listen to?



I don’t really have a genre, but I have a playlist called “Vibes” that I listen to. A lot of gospel, R&B, afrobeats, and dancehall. 



Are you TikTok or Instagram?



Instagram. TikTok is too hard, girl!



Favourite podcast?



I don’t listen to any podcasts.

Circle Zero Eight

Dress by Diotima
Shorts and trainers by Nike
Earrings by Completedworks


What’s your next hairstyle?



Jet-black, straight.



What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?



I allow myself ten minutes to be centred, read my bible, and talk to myself. 



The last thing you do before bed?



Eat. The Oreos. Or, truth be told, my son reads every night, so we do that.



What is your Richard Mille watch right now?



The one I have is the RM 07-04. But heading to Paris I’m sure I’ll be rocking a new one.



Make-up or fresh-faced?






Let us know about the Nike Think Tank event?



It’s all about asking how we can get more girls involved in sport, and how we can champion the women. It’s been really amazing. How can we partner with Nike to make sure that females are being heard, and being seen – not just from a track perspective, but also from our communities. How can we make products that are good, for her, at all different life stages. 


And lastly, what’s your favourite magazine?




I think we’ll leave it right there! 🙂


Circle Zero Eight

Dress by Gucci

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